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Register for the H.F.Mark-Symposium here.

Participants of DVSPM2017 have the registration fee for the H.F.Mark-Symposium already included in their DVSPM-Registration and do not need to register again.

The registration fees below (and the registration link here) only applies to participants who want to attend the H.F. Mark-Symposium only!

Registration fees

|Early bird|Standard
Regular price|€ 180,--|€ 220,--
Members of OFI and its sections|€ 135,--|€ 175,--
Professors and Postdocs|€ 135,--|€ 175,--
Students|€ 95,--|€ 120,--
Participation in the DVSPM2017 Conference Dinner|€ 55,--|€ 55,--

Early Bird - registration till May 31st, 2017
Regular - registration after May 31st, 2017

Presentation documents, lunch and beverages are included in the fee. All prices listed are exclusive of 20% VAT.


Thursday, September 7th, 2017

8.30 Registration (for visitors attending HFM Symposium solely)

9.00 - 12.00 Lectures

12.00 - 13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 17.00 Lectures  

The entire program will follow shortly.

Register NOW


For more than 30 years, OFI organizes the International Herman F. Mark Symposium, adressing current issues in the field of polymer science and plastics industry. With the symposium OFI commemorates Hermann F. Mark (born 1895 in Vienna, died 1992 in Texas), who in 1932 as a professor of Chemistry at the University of Vienna set substantial foundation for the modern polymer chemistry research.

2017 the symposium is organized in co-operation with the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien) as part of DVSPM (Danube Vlatava Sava Polymer Meeting).  

The OFI (Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology) is one of the largest Austrian service enterprises for applied research and provides expertise in Materials Technology and Building Renovation. Since 1946, the OFI has been working with different companies and organisations across Europe, offering innovation through research and development, analysis and testing, quality assurance and certification.

OFI Organization team:
DI Dr. Dietmar Loidl
Barbara Zottl